MAL - Memória Auxiliar do Lutieri

quarta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2009

FreeBSD Hacks

Estou lendo "BSD Hacks - 100 Industrial-Strength tips & tools" como eh da biblioteca do estado vou ter que devolver algum dia. Sendo assim resolvi colocar aqui algumas das coisas que sei que voce precisar e, como sempre, esquecer!!

Informacoes sobre swap:
systat -swap
swapctl -lh


Single user mode:

  • Escape to loader prompt
  • boot -s

Password protecting Single-User mode:


  • Edit /etc/ttys
  • Find this line:

# If console is marked "insecure", then init will ask for the root password
# when going to single-user mode.
console none unknown off secure
  • Now change "secure" to "insecure".

You're saying the system is consider to be insecure.


Connect to serial port(headless systems):

cu -l /dev/cuaa1 -s 9600

To disconnect ~. Enter


To suppress the MOTD banner create a file called ~/.hushlogin


linux: netstat -anp
FreeBSD: sockstat


Expect scripting language can be used to interact with any binary.


Create a Package:

mkdir /usr/ports/packages

List all make options for a package:

grep WITH /usr/ports/mail/exim/Makefile

List all dependencies for package:

grep DEP /usr/ports/mail/exim/Makefile

cd /usr/ports/mail/exim
make package -DWITHOUT_IPV6 DEPENDS_TARGET=package

If you are building a package that contains dependencies set the DEPENDS_TARGET option

Now make is going to create the package AND install it. If you don't want it installed run make deinstall

Another solution:

pkg_info tips

Messages showed after the installation of a package:

pkg_info -xD xmms

List of files of an installed app:

pkg_info -xL lynx

Check dependencies before uninstall a supposed unknown package. This command will return a list of all other apps that require, in this case ORBit.

pkg_info -xR ORBit



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