MAL - Memória Auxiliar do Lutieri

quarta-feira, janeiro 13, 2010

OpenFire Ports

Openfire uses ports 5222, 7777, 9090, 9091 for client connections, file transfer proxy, http web administration and the secured administration respectively.

Is this both TCP and UDP? anyone?



terça-feira, janeiro 12, 2010

time to be used in command line

_`date "+%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S"`

backup, time, date

quarta-feira, janeiro 06, 2010

Starting X on a differente VT

That one was kind of tricky! The documentation is not explicit about that. But here is:

startx -- :1 vt2
The above command will start a new display(:1) in the second virtual terminal(accessed by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2)


Marcadores: ,

How to disable extra ttys

For some reason new distros are no longer using /etc/inittab. /etc/event.d/ is used instead.

In order to disable a virtual terminal you can basically exclude or move to another directory the files representing the VT. tty1 for VT1(accessed by Ctrl+Alt+F1), so on and so forth.



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