MAL - Memória Auxiliar do Lutieri

terça-feira, janeiro 29, 2008

Reinicar o catálogo do Bacula e zerar a fita

Isso eu nunca lembro e ainda perco tempo procurando na documentação do Bacula. Por sinal está aqui:

Re-initializing the Catalog Database

After you have done some initial testing with Bacula, you will probably want to re-initialize the catalog database and throw away all the test Jobs that you ran. To do so, you can do the following:

  cd <install-directory>/src/cats/

Please note that all information in the database will be lost and you will be starting from scratch. If you have written on any Volumes, you must write an end of file mark on the volume so that Bacula can reuse it. Do so with:

(stop Bacula or unmount the drive)
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
mt -f /dev/nst0 weof

Where you should replace /dev/nst0 with the appropriate tape drive device name for your machine.

Outra coisa:

Diretivas de tempo podem ser especificadas assim:
1 week 2 days 3 hours 10 mins
1 month 2 days 30 sec



1 Comentários:

  • Falando das fitas.

    Eu sempre costumo fazer o seguinte antes de usar uma fita (mesmo sendo nova).

    tar cvzf /dev/st0 /dev/zero
    mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
    mt -f /dev/st0 weof

    E depois no bconsole eu rodo o label.


    By Blogger Unknown, at 30/01/2008, 10:09  

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